It’s been a whole year since you’ve been gone

Posted by on Aug 24, 2019 in Blog

It’s been a whole year since you’ve been gone

It happened already a year ago. Of course, I didn’t remember you every day. Ah, no, maybe I did. But you know, the farther away the day of your leaving the bit less pain I felt. More often I can recall you with a smile. I still feel a lump in my throat quite frequently but not every time already. I will always love you, my dear. Rest in...

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Doing what I love

Posted by on Aug 18, 2019 in Blog

Doing what I love

A couple of days ago, I and my wife gathered to go to the spot that I noticed about two years ago. At that moment, I just drove by and couldn’t help but notice this absolutely amazing tree! Back then I firmly decided to visit it again with my camera. Finally, we did it. And I was photographing it with rapture while Polina (my wife) has captured me during this. By the way, as I wrote in my previous post, she’s a wonderfully creative person. (And I say like this only because she’s my spouse. Just kidding! She’s really immensely talented. You can check it by yourself just visiting her Instagram account: @polina_po_kudelkina.) And here’s what I got at that moment: And another photograph that I took then: I think it was a great photoshoot despite we shouldn’t go to another country or somewhere far in ours to get...

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Throw pillowcases with the prints photoshoot

Posted by on Aug 12, 2019 in Blog

Throw pillowcases with the prints photoshoot

A few days ago, I photographed throw pillows with prints on pillowcases, and also beads, and felted toys by Polina Kudelkina (here’s her Instagram account – @polina_po_kudelkina). I should say that Polina is a remarkably talented person. She’s not only an artist and a designer but also a craft-art master! In addition, considering her modesty, intelligence, charm, and a sense of humor I can safely say that this photoshoot was one of the most pleasant in my life! So if you like to decorate your home with different beautiful and exclusive things, you should definitely visit her page on Etsy online-store: P.S.: Follow me on Instagram –...

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Sometimes, it’s useful to look back

Posted by on Jul 30, 2019 in Blog

Sometimes, it’s useful to look back

Any real professional, a self-respecting specialist no matter his field of activity besides continuous developing, increasing of qualification, from time to time, takes a look back on his previous works. That’s the easiest and simultaneously the most visual way to estimate a self-progress, to inspect a direction of moving. So and I do it periodically. Another such verification wondered me a lot. The case is that I occasionally found the photo from my very first interior photo shooting which was 3.5 years ago. And since I just a couple of days ago shot a similar plot − a kitchen with its main object, a table − so the comparison appeared maximally objective. Here’s my first interior photo: And that’s my most recent one: Frankly, I’m proud of my progress! 🙂 P.S.: Follow me on Instagram –...

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My photographs are in the showcases of The State Russian Museum

Posted by on Jul 22, 2019 in Blog

My photographs are in the showcases of The State Russian Museum

Recently, I have passing by the Stroganov Palace which is on the Nevsky Prospekt in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Just three years ago, I photographed facades and interiors of several State Russian Museum’s branches including the mentioned palace. At that moment, I’ve noticed that my photos of this palace’s interiors are in its showcases. Of course, not as just printed photographs but as advertising posters which show the beauty of the palace’s halls. Nevertheless, at least 90% of the poster’s square is exactly my photos! So, if you passing by, take notice! And don’t pass away, come in, this museum is worth of visit! P.S.: Follow me on Instagram –...

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The worn-out heritage of the Soviet Union

Posted by on Jun 19, 2019 in Blog

The worn-out heritage of the Soviet Union

When I was a kid, our family every year went to the village by train. It was still at the end of the Soviet Union. I don’t know why but I always loved to go somewhere already then especially in the case of a railroad trip. I eagerly absorbed the impressions: railway terminal with its bustling, a platform with its locomotive smells, changing of landscapes behind the window, hot tea with a shortcake… When we settled in our seats, I looked forward to the train moving off. I was overwhelmed with a sense of promising “unknown” − for some reason it seemed to me that something exciting and remarkable is ahead. When a conductor brought a hot tea in a faceted glass with a tin or steel glass-holder it was a whole task: to drink a tea with pleasure but simultaneously don’t get burnt and don’t pour with boiling...

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Product photography. A new level

Posted by on May 14, 2019 in Blog

Product photography. A new level

Some time ago, I finished a tutorial by one of the product photography masters, a student of famous Igor Sakharov. Just like in any studying, in photography, all the theoretical knowledge should obligatorily be consolidated in practice. Otherwise, all the learning time would be spent in vain. And I decided to start my practical training from my old familiar – jezveler which I photographed for the first time almost four years ago in order to pass the Shutterstock exam. Here’s that photo: And here’s the result I got using new way mentioned above: Agree, the difference is significant! My cousin seeing these images even didn’t believe that this is the same object on both photographs. 🙂 I should say that this method of photo shooting is much more complex, time and labor-consuming. I even decided to capture the process by my smartphone: One of my mates seeing this photo...

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How much processing I do to my interior photographs?

Posted by on Apr 14, 2019 in Blog

How much processing I do to my interior photographs?

I am periodically asked how much differs a raw file from my camera from the final image I send to a customer? And how much time I spend on post-processing? (The second question often appears when an interested person knows with wonder that shooting itself isn’t even a half of an interior photographer’s work.) First of all, I’ll reply to the second question: about 60-70% of the total time spent. Why so? There are many reasons. One of them is the task to show the light drawing of interior truly as much as possible simultaneously not sacrificing the beauty of colors especially in cases when the daylight from windows is mixed up with the lights of different artificial light sources such as tungsten or fluorescent lamps, LED-lights of different color temperature and so on. And as an illustration, the photo below which is straight out of the camera, without...

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My first win in the photo contest!

Posted by on Feb 17, 2019 in Blog

My first win in the photo contest!

A few days ago I accidentally found out that in November 2018 I won in the photo contest “How beautiful is this World – show!” by TV and Radio Company “MIR” (means “World” in Russian). Totally, there were announced six winners: three by the opinion of jury and three according to the votes of the Company’s web site visitors. I risk to seem immodest and vain, but to my mind, jury opinion in the contests is much more valued than votes of visitors. My experience of participation in lots of very different photo contests (Russian ones and other World’s as well) during more than 10 years tells exactly about it: in the overwhelming majority of cases, the winners by the opinion of site visitors do not reach by the level of their works even for fifty runners-up. Opposite, jury decision is almost always gives the win to really good...

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To my dear cat

Posted by on Sep 5, 2018 in Blog

To my dear cat

When I was 18, I knew exactly how to live, what and how to do, what to strive for. I had a whole bunch of dreams and I tried to make all of them true. When I got about 30, I was already not sure about many things, not always knew what I want, doubted about possibility of making true at least half of my dreams. Now, I almost constantly don’t understand absolutely what’s happening around and for what all of this. I got just one dream left: health of loved ones and life with them in peace and serenity. Even this single dream is vandalized by fate: it breaks off one piece (decease of one loved one), then gnaws out another one (the death of the other). They say tests are sent to us to temper. “What does not kill you will make you stronger”. Where did they...

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