About a week ago, I finally finished a whole saga 🙂 – my last photographs of The State Russian museum interiors has been edited and sent to the customer. It should be noticed that The Museum’s representative not only was pleased with my work but also wrote a laudatory review on the Russian branch of Houzz web site (I will add it here a bit later). To my mind, the important point is that I shot not only The Russian museum’s interiors but also facades of its buildings. All these photographs will appear in the special album “Architecture” I plan to create some time after. I can add that it was a very useful and important experience for me. I have tried something new for me on practice (because the shooting of huge museum’s halls is not the same as apartments and hotel rooms). Besides, I was seeking and finding answers for encountering issues during this work. I mean that I was learning something new in the interior photography theory as well as in editing of photographs. In one word, it was interesting, useful and… it was a challenge, some kind of intermediate top that I have conquered successfully! 🙂 And here’s the last Russian museum’s interiors album: The Marble...

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Hotel interior design photographs

Hotel interior design photographs

Posted By on Oct 18, 2016

Back in September, I was shooting the interiors of the new mini-hotel New Day rooms. I can say that in addition to my great pleasure shooting and subsequent editing of the photos I got gorgeous result! Sometimes it happens that shooting is not smooth or editing is difficult and despite of the fact that result is excellent, I unwittingly wipe my forehead and take a deep breath at the end. As for this shooting, everything was ease. I even got some regret about finishing such a nice work. 🙂 Moreover, one of my friend said about this photo that it looks like it was taken from some glossy magazine about interiors. But time goes fast! By this day, I have already finished two interiors and one product photography orders. But I’ll tell about it a bit later. So now, you can see New Day hotel photographs:...

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Recently, my friend, a designer decorator Polina Kudelkina who is also an artist and an art crafter in her free time, she finished her new work – felted home slippers called “Memory about a small fish”. I guess, that name was given to the slippers because of its decoration: small white prints of fish on the surface of slippers and metal figures of fish on the lace. I very like that slippers! Therefore, I took Polina’s order for this product photography with the great pleasure. As a result, we both me and Polina are completely satisfied with the photos. The rest photos you can see here: Artcraft product...

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9/11. It was 15 years ago…

9/11. It was 15 years ago…

Posted By on Sep 10, 2016

That evening, I was walking around the neighborhood where I grown up, on the edge of Saint-Petersburg, Russia. In that moment, there was no bypass highway near and in the closest town called Vsevolozhsk were not so many people. Therefore the road passing through my neighborhood out of Saint-Petersburg was not so uploaded and there were quiet, warm, green and fine. I don’t remember with whom I was walking: maybe with my girlfriend, or my best friend, or perhaps I was alone. But I recall that I was in the calm and pacified mood. I was 22 and the autumn just began (September 11). Everything good seemed possible to happen and the whole life was ahead. I felt myself full of powers, ideas and hopes. I don’t remember what time it was when I came back home. Maybe it was around 5 p.m. I recall when I entered the apartment my mom immediately called me to the living room. When I came in, “Look what’s happening in America!” she said. There was some catasrophe movie on TV: a huge skyscraper and clouds of smoke belching from its top third. – What’s the movie? – I asked mom. – That’s not a film! It’s happening in New York City right now! – there was not complete confidence of feelings in my mom’s voice. But at the same moment, she was sure about happening because she knew what she was watching. It was breaking news. Concerning what I thought, it was even more entangled: “That can’t be! That’s not real! It’s just a movie!.. Or…” The picture of the skyscraper got smaller and the most part of the screen took a view of television studio and a news presenter woman. She absolutely serious told about the tragedy details. Suddenly, news presenter anxiously said that there’s another plane coming to the second tower. And then I saw live the Boing crashed into the building and blowed up… “No… IT CAN’T BE REAL!!! There are people. How is this possible?!” – some rubbish like that swept through my mind… I sat in the arm chair all that night forgetting to change. I won’t tell lies like “I was crying and wringing my hands in grief”. Despite of all that impossible horror it still didn’t occur to me or to someone I knew personally. It was happening far away in the fantastic country called America from Hollywood movies. It was only later I realized all this hell, after I read articles and researches, watched amateur videos, fiction and documentary films (like “Zeitgeist”). And especially Bruce Springsteen’s songs from his “The Rising” record helped me...

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I’m glad to present you my new album of interior photography. At this time, it’s the Mikhailovsky (Engineer’s) castle in Saint-Petersburg (Russia). Apart from the fact that the museum’s halls are very beautiful itself, I also have tried a slightly different way of adding sharpness to the image comparing to how I did it before. As you can see for yourself the photographs are look perfectly 🙂 – Mikhailovsky...

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My entirely new art photo series

My entirely new art photo series

Posted By on Sep 1, 2016

Honestly, I don’t like phrases like “absolutely new Tiguan” or “revolutionary new Fusion Pro Glide”. Well, you think about how silly it sounds. Clearly, this is marketing, advertising and blah blah blah. But it still doesn’t smarter from it. They seem to admit that gave you just partly new, places updated model last time and their annoying ad made you buy it in the end. But this time this is a really new – now no nonsense! Oh well… But as for my new photo series, it is appropriate to say “entirely new” because of my last series “The Beech Palace” were just edited this year but shooting took place six years ago. I told about it in details on “The Beech Palace” page. It different with the “Farewell To The Summer“. Everything is new in this series: I shot these photos about two weeks ago, edited them during these days and even my knowledge and skills applied – all these are new for me. And that’s why it so excited! 🙂 By the way, it happened quite funny. I went for a jog not in the morning but in the evening that day, almost at sunset, soon after the rain. And so, hot run and helplessly hanging on the bar 🙂 I suddenly noticed that there behind the forest where were deforestation during entire summer – there are an amazing sunlight and probably very beautiful subject. The subject I was looking for the whole summer: setting sun penetrate pine crowns by its rays. I ran there and completely stunned. 🙂 That was exactly what I needed! So, I rushed not into the shower but for my camera and tripod in order to get back immediately. And here we go! Moreover, there was a not thick fog slowly creeping away from the outskirts (it showed on the first two photos) through the plot down to the marsh (on the rest photos starting from the fifth). Therefore, I would be glad if you look through and read: “Farewell To The Summer“. P.S.: And here’s a long-promised little story about how I saw my new photography horizons. 🙂 Like many who have a hobby I stared at the ceiling in some moment. Of course, it was my personal intermediate ceiling. I mean I shot and edited photography not very bad. But it was really worse than professional photo craftsmen did and almost awful comparing to the real master’s works. And in the same time, I didn’t know how to improve my skills. A couple of years passed by so: I shot not often and the results were “so-so” and of course...

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