Mikhailovsky castle interior photography

Posted by on Sep 6, 2016 in Blog

Mikhailovsky castle interior photography

I’m glad to present you my new album of interior photography. At this time, it’s the Mikhailovsky (Engineer’s) castle in Saint-Petersburg (Russia). Apart from the fact that the museum’s halls are very beautiful itself, I also have tried a slightly different way of adding sharpness to the image comparing to how I did it before. As you can see for yourself the photographs are look perfectly 🙂 – Mikhailovsky...

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My entirely new art photo series

Posted by on Sep 1, 2016 in Blog

My entirely new art photo series

Honestly, I don’t like phrases like “absolutely new Tiguan” or “revolutionary new Fusion Pro Glide”. Well, you think about how silly it sounds. Clearly, this is marketing, advertising and blah blah blah. But it still doesn’t smarter from it. They seem to admit that gave you just partly new, places updated model last time and their annoying ad made you buy it in the end. But this time this is a really new – now no nonsense! Oh well… But as for my new photo series, it is appropriate to say “entirely new” because of my last series “The Beech Palace” were just edited this year but shooting took place six years ago. I told about it in details on “The Beech Palace” page. It different with the “Farewell To The Summer“. Everything is new in this series: I shot these photos about two weeks ago, edited them during...

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My new art photo series

Posted by on Aug 25, 2016 in Blog

My new art photo series

Recently, I have finished my new-old art photo series. New because of I realized just about two weeks ago how exactly I should edit them to express those my emotions. And old because of they were lying for almost six years passing survived downright adventure. All this I have described in some details on the photo series page here: “The Beech Palace“. So if you interested you’re welcome! And if not – the more!...

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Car seat covers photography

Posted by on Aug 16, 2016 in Blog

Car seat covers photography

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Mikhailovsky palace and Benois Wing interior photography

Posted by on Aug 4, 2016 in Blog

Mikhailovsky palace and Benois Wing interior photography

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Stroganovsky palace interior photography

Posted by on Jun 30, 2016 in Blog

Stroganovsky palace interior photography

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Another few words about interior photography

Posted by on May 18, 2016 in Blog

Another few words about interior photography

After I finished the previous article (“A few words about interior photography“) and during my work with another order, I had a few more thoughts. Besides, I got the feedback on previous article. As a result, I decided to write some sort of addition with more detailed explanations and examples of good and bad interior photographs (according to readers wishes). First of all, I have to say that interior photography isn’t such an easy thing as many people think, including some professionals in other photography spheres (wedding pro, for instance). I do not mean that wedding photography is easier than interior one. Furthermore, I think that any activity performed at a high professional level is complicated itself and demands not only rich experience and different (often very expensive) tools, but also high working capacity, dedication and even intelligence. I just want to say that each field of applied photography...

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A few words about interior photography

Posted by on May 4, 2016 in Blog

A few words about interior photography

For those 8 months since I’ve quit from my job and became a self-employed photographer (most of all, interior photographer), that means I don’t spray myself for any other activities besides of photography – since then, I face very often with the fact that every person makes his own sense in the meaning of quality photography. No, I don’t mind at all that all the people are different and everyone has own possibilities (first of all, financial one), every person earns his money the way he can, and so on, and on, etc. But… how could I put it mildly? I am dejected by the very low bar of inquiries from the vast majority of potential customers and, at the same time, blatant illiteracy of so many competitors. I will explain. Nobody doubts that advertisement is the engine of the trade. In the case of real estate, restaurants, hotels,...

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Wonders are around

Posted by on Feb 9, 2015 in Blog

Wonders are around

Elections, geopolitical interests, exchange rates, sanctions, stock market reports, expert assessments by political scientists, economic crisis… They said these concepts are describe the most important global processes. And when I yawn and ask “What about the nature, the stars, love, animal rescue and dawns?” they look at me like I am Ray Babbit… Damn, are you serious?! Alright, it can be partly explained by habit. When you, for example, twice a day five days per week passes by Kazan Cathedral you soon stop noticing its beauty. As well as with the sky, trees and birds… Or may be not? It’ll be enough willpower to turn off the imposed usual rhythm, literally stop your moving and close your eyes, take a deep breath and then, calm and quietly look at this cathedral (or the sky) with pure gaze. This is an architecture (or nature) masterpiece, isn’t it? Alright, not every...

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