Joe Cocker died last night…

Posted by on Dec 23, 2014 in Blog

Joe Cocker died last night…

Probably, I’m just stunned but on the first attached video (it’s a record from Cocker’s live performance about one year ago) I can see the person placed in the heart of raging celebration of life (both on the stage and in the auditorium) and staying at the limit of his forces. The person who was so professionally that he couldn’t spoil people’s joy of meeting with him. Even if the cause in his ailment. But may be he should?.. This unique musician who had unrepeatable vocal like abrasive voice coming out from the very deep of the heart. This person who lived a hard life with weaknesses condemned by a lot of people, but from the other hand with victories couldn’t win by mentioned ones. The singer sung such a plenty of really great songs inspired and saved a huge number of sincere music lovers… May be he should...

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“Interstellar”. Film and soundtrack

Posted by on Dec 15, 2014 in Blog

“Interstellar”. Film and soundtrack

Everyone of us has favorite movies, books, music. I don’t know about everybody, but I have the best of my favorite books I’ve ever read. The book I called universal. The book about everything. Of course this book not about everything in the world, but about every primary thing for any person. It concerns the most important questions, eternal human issues. Moreover, this book can’t be attributed to any single literature genre. It masterfully brings together many elements of different genres. And finally one of the most important qualities of that book – the narrative on important and complex topics with easy, clever tongue without a shadow of mentoring or snobbery. I read this book for the first time when I was 16. Since that time I’ve reread it for… it’s difficult to say how many times exactly, but it has no need – it’s not important. The really...

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Posted by on Dec 11, 2014 in Blog


Well, let’s get started! First of all I would like to beg your pardon about my English. It’s not my native language and despite I have studied it for a long time (and I’m still studying) I’m sure I make some mistakes. So, excuse me. I’ll do my best. On this page with very ingenious name “blog” 🙂 I suppose to write different notes. The case is what I’m not interested in writing about myself or my life. And I think you will hardly interested in reading it because I’m not a some kind of celebrity! 🙂 Therefore, the texts I’m going to lay out here can be contingently sorted in several groups: 1) articles about music and/or musicians with attached audio or video to hear or to watch; 2) notes about various appearances of life… I guess better to say my thoughts about these appearances (for example about...

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