I won “Best Of Houzz-2017” award!

Posted By on Feb 16, 2017

I guess many of you know such a famous platform for designers, builders, photographers and other specialists in home repairs and design as Houzz. A few years ago, Russian branch of Houzz opened. And I am the one of the interior photographers on this web site.

Houzz gives their own award in different nominations every year. I’m pleased to tell that I won “Best of Houzz-2017” award in “Client Service” nomination. Frankly, it was a big surprise for me. I don’t mean that I’m not sure in the quality of my photographs or my services at all. Just the opposite: I am completely confident about it. But I didn’t expect that it will be appreciated on such a high level. As it appears, I wasn’t alone in it. 🙂

Интерьерная и архитектурная фотосъемка в Санкт-Петербурге и области

In connection with this prize awarded, there was one funny and very surprised me case. If you occasionally visit my site you know that I completed very big order for The State Russian Museum last summer. It was an interior and architectural photography. Some of these photos are presented in my portfolio on Houzz. So, it didn’t pass an hour after I have received a mail with congratulations from Houzz and I suddenly got a personal message on Houzz web site from one of the interior photographers. I can’t call him a colleague and you will know why below.

First of all, it should be mentioned that this person is placed on the first page of Saint-Petersburg interior photographers on Houzz. Moreover, he photographed 46 different palaces and mansions in Saint-Petersburg as a professional photographer as he wrote me himself. And if you look over his photos you won’t doubt in his words. Simply put, he’s a very successful, demanded and I guess highly paid interior photographer.

And this successful a Tom Shelby style cap carrier 🙂 suddenly wrote me a message where he doubts that I could photograph The Russian State Museum interiors and facades because I have such a low photographer level! “Why do you mislead a respected public?” he wrote. Like, ah-ah-ah, not good! And he virtually wagged a finger at me.

Интерьерная фотосъемка в Санкт-Петербурге и области

I answered quite honestly as I always do that I never mislead anyone at all and even didn’t think about it. Then he like a Napoleon’s army general began to prance in front of me on a virtual horse of his success telling how many palaces he had photographed. I was impressed of course but still didn’t understand what he wanted from me and I respond it. For unknown reasons, he answered that I’m an anxious person and vanished in the air left me think it all over and scratch my nape. 🙂

By the way, if you interested in who it was you can find him on Houzz Russia very easy: he’s the only interior photographer in Saint-Petersburg with double surname. 🙂