Posts Tagged "пейзажный фотограф"

Unexpected life twist

Unexpected life twist

Posted By on Nov 29, 2021

If you follow my blog here or are subscribed to my YouTube channel, you may know that I made a tutorial video some time ago. (If not and you are interested, you can watch it by clicking this link.) I thought that if I ever started to teach photography to someone, it would be a landscape one for people who love nature and are eager to take good photographs. I should admit that my first attempt in this field has failed. That photography talk hasn’t interested anyone. But I am going by bus from Lisbon at the moment. Today, I gave a photography and video masterclass to real estate agents. And unlike the video on my channel, today, it was paid work. Whether I become a real estate agent tutor or do something else in photography, I have no idea. I only know that the best way to fill your life with impressions is not refusing the opportunities, it doesn’t matter how fearful they can look at first glance. As it said in one of my favourite movies, “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”: “You don’t have to be afraid!” Follow me on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. If you want to SUPPORT my YouTube channel or me personally, you can do it here. Or you just...

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Posted By on Oct 23, 2021

Finally, something I have been waiting for already five months will happen. Tomorrow. I think that introverted people (and I am one of them) need some time to be alone. We can love someone more than ourselves, more than our own life (and it really is, that’s not pathetic words), but we still need some time to be alone. I haven’t had a friend who could understand me as good as I am, and even better at some moments. Until I met my wife. She’s my best and closest friend. And still, I need some time to be alone. (Perhaps, that’s one of the reasons why I love to do landscape photography.) But everything’s good without excessive. Even loneliness. For five months, I’ve discussed things important to me (not vital but important), imagining my wife beside me. Since tomorrow, I won’t be looking crazy. Finally. Follow me on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. If you want to SUPPORT my YouTube channel or me personally, you can do it here. Or you just...

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Life is beautiful

Life is beautiful

Posted By on Sep 30, 2021

Some people are convinced that life is beautiful, that this is a gift full of wonders. I envy you! You either cheat on yourself, trying not to notice what’s happening around you, hiding in your rainbow soap bubble, or you are pretty lucky! Both cases are lovely! And I do envy you! I don’t know; maybe at some moment, I have chosen a red pill. Perhaps, it was just like that. About 15 years ago, I was convinced that truth is better than self-cheating because you can do something with facts. And now it’s impossible to get it all back. Because “it never happens that anything goes back to what it used to be”. And I don’t need that, to be honest. As for me, my life has been getting better over the years. Probably, by the time when I will finally grow my beard (it will be already grey, but that’s just nothing), by that time, it (life, of course, not beard) will become good. But you know what I have realized during the last several months? (Frankly, I noticed it a long time ago but realized it with all its staggering clarity just now.) The sky is the best creation. It’s perfect. It is infinitely and inexpressibly beautiful, just like the ocean. Time shall pass, and not even a trace of us will be left behind, not even dust. But the sky and the ocean will. And they will be still perfect. Follow me on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. If you want to SUPPORT my YouTube channel or me personally, you can do it here. Or you just...

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Do I have a talent?

Do I have a talent?

Posted By on Aug 28, 2021

I think everybody asks this question to himself sometimes. Those of us who tend to any form of creativity repeat the question multiple times during life. And if most adult persons find some answer convenient to them and keep living and creating without doubts, the rest of creatives are suffering from that annoying uncertainty. If you are interested, I have some thoughts about that. First of all, there’s no talent… Well, actually, it exists, but that does no fundamental matter. What do I mean? If you ask most people to describe the talent, to define what it is, more likely, they will tell you about some universally recognized persons who made (or still making) masterpieces no matter in which sphere. But in fact, they describe the top of the mountain, the visible results of the skill. And don’t consider what is below: years of study, even more years of practice, a rich experience, a sea of mistakes, plenty of fallings and even more risings, lakes of tears, hills of insecurity and rocks of selfless dedication to the deed, and so on, etc. It’s very simple. Talent isn’t some kind of superpower that gives you the possibility to make something outstanding without hard work. It’s just a base. A starting point, if you will. Let’s take an example. There’s some kid; name him kid #1. At some moment, for some reason, he decided to be a photographer. His parents buy him the first camera. He starts to photograph everything he sees around. When someone asks him what genre of photography he prefers, he replies that he doesn’t limit himself to one genre. He likes to photograph everything, from landscapes and street scenes to portraits and architecture. After some time, he suddenly faces some photography masterpiece that strikes him to the core. And he finally realizes that he does poor photography, knows nothing but simultaneously understands which genre in photography he will choose. And he goes to photography courses where he studies the basics. After few months, his photographs look much more harmonic. They become meaningful images, not sudden pictures anymore. They are still far from what could be called masterpieces, but at least they are no more trash. There’s some other kid. Name him kid #2. Once he finds a camera of his mother or father, he goes for a walk and starts taking pictures. Later, his parents see those images and are surprisingly ask: “Did you take these photographs?” Because these images look harmonic and meaningful. They are far from what could be called masterpieces, but this is just his first attempt! So, both kids made their first steps...

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Another dream came true

Another dream came true

Posted By on Jul 24, 2021

About a month and a half ago, I posted here, on my blog, a short story about my visit to Lisbon and meet the Atlantic Ocean. At the end of that post, I wrote that I got a new dream – to see the ocean closer because, at that time, I saw it from a distance. I didn’t dare to think that this dream may come true so quickly! Yes, several days ago, I came to Cabo da Roca (Cape Roca)! You know, my life experience taught me that you shouldn’t await anything, shouldn’t imagine how wonderful something would be. Ever. Otherwise, you risk being disappointed. But this time, I didn’t even notice that I imagined, that I waited. Luckily, there wasn’t a pale shadow of disillusionment. Frankly, at some moment, I barely held back my tears. That’s how amazing it was. Of course, I shot not only photographs but a short story, a travel film. I hope you enjoy watching it no less than me filming it. (By the way, there’s a moment in the video when inscriptions in Portuguese show in the frame. You can turn on the English subtitles.) By the by, if you want to buy any of the photographs that appear in the video, simply connect me the way that’s the most convenient for you. Follow me on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. If you want to SUPPORT my YouTube channel or me personally, you can do it here. Or you just...

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