It’s been a long time without any news here! But there is a lot of it. Of course, not all of them are really interesting, but they took a lot of time. Take moving to another city, for instance. It‘s such a sap for any spectator. But it takes so many time, effort and money from the participant!
Nevertheless, I think more interesting fact is that I started my full-time work as a photographer in the “1000 and one slipper” company about a month ago. Moreover, it doesn’t mean I stop take orders for interior or any other photography. I became pickier – that’s true, but I still take interesting orders. Say, earlier, I would think about the order “20 quality edited interior photos took with the mobile studio light, the price for all work is $30”. But now, the only wish I have concerning to such an order is to laughing out very loud and to write a couple of articles about how much and why the really professional interior photography does cost.
Unfortunately, I have no time for art photography now. I have materials and ideas both worth to spend time and effort, but I haven’t time so far. Yet, I think that’s normal in the time of life change. Besides, I remember what was written on the King Solomon’s ring: “This too shall pass”.
But, to my mind, the most important from the latest news is my decision to change a bit the type of content. I will no more make the separate albums for any completed order. There will be just one general album with the best images from all of the orders. I think it’ll let the potential client to estimate my professional level and, at the same time, not to get tired of scrolling tens of images.
And here, in the blog, instead of the endless reports about what I shot and for whom (honestly, I doubt that’s really interesting for any person but me) I will write different interesting notes and articles (about why you should edit your digital photos, for example). So, as they say on TV: “Stay tuned!”