He had sprouted out of a seed so long ago that nobody in this forest could not say when it was exactly. While those who had been witness to this, we haven’t had here: someone became furniture, someone – just a wood and gave their coal and ash to the benefit of people, someone just died from the disease and fell down and turned into food for living. He wasn’t peevish, sullen or snobbish despite his more than respectable age. He knew and remembered so many things, even half of what wouldn’t fit in all the books that would make of him (but, thank God, before this, nobody thought). And he would glad to pass the time and refresh the memory, telling his stories to somebody, but nobody would listen to him: trees around or talking leaves, or sleeping when chat was nothing; birds… they ain seemed always talking; and people just walked past him, admired him, photographed next to him and no one even couldn’t imagine that the tree can tell whatever...
Read MoreHe has lived on the Vasilevsky island in Saint-Petersburg for a long time. For example he miraculously survived the blockade and the war – he hasn’t been hit by a shell or a bomb, he somehow hasn’t been cut down for firewood during the harsh winter of 1941 and the very cold of 1942. At least he was lucky in the fact that when the city was rebuilding after the war there was many yards altered, old and sick trees sawed off to replace them by young. But it didn’t affect him because of he was neither old or sick at that moment. He wasn’t so even now. But the very important things he saved in himself were intelligence and good manners of a real Saint-Petersburg citizen. He was very humble and just a few trees knew how much he suffered: he never boasted of it, never rebuked those who haven’t experienced the same. Everybody feel nice and easy beside...
Read MoreAll of her life she has lived in a village and none of her leaf or a sprig has ever left these limits. All of her seeds fell into that land and the same land some of them gave birth to. She saw a lot of grief in her life, a lot of pain she experienced. But the look of her crown was still young, energetic and even cheerful. Younger trees around the white envy jealous of her, but they’re also learned from her that amazing quality. Many of them asked for her advice or complained for life, but none of them she ever drove away or condemned. And for that is always around her could hear the rustle of the venerable:...
Read MoreIn fact he has never lived in his motherland. Although he became to that park in Crimea when he was young seedling, he was born in one of the Botanical Gardens where he was cared about for the first years of his life. Of course trees around incredulous looked on the sly at him in the beginning. But when construction of the park were finished and crowd of tourists admired ALL of the park inhabitants and not only Lebanon it became clear: he wasn’t special for visitors. That’s why the distrust of neighbors has quickly came to naught. As well as an interest to his past life: he hasn’t seen 15 years civil war, couldn’t speak Arabian and differed from the others only with his exterior. And trees just like people: they only meet on...
Read MoreShe has adored in dawns and sunsets, and nightingale’s songs at warm spring nights, and courtship the male to the female robins on her branches, and the sound of the sea not far away, and the storm with the hard rain (especially when some young couple were kissing standing beside her and didn’t noticing thunder and flashes of lightning). If she was a human she would love watching movies, that’s for sure. But she wasn’t unhappy being a tree. Especially in spring time when she wore her favorite yellow dress and all around admiringly looked at her and whispered...
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