Posts Tagged "парк"

Cedar The Lebanon

Cedar The Lebanon

Posted By on Nov 29, 2014

In fact he has never lived in his motherland. Although he became to that park in Crimea when he was young seedling, he was born in one of the Botanical Gardens where he was cared about for the first years of his life. Of course trees around incredulous looked on the sly at him in the beginning. But when construction of the park were finished and crowd of tourists admired ALL of the park inhabitants and not only Lebanon it became clear: he wasn’t special for visitors. That’s why the distrust of neighbors has quickly came to naught. As well as an interest to his past life: he hasn’t seen 15 years civil war, couldn’t speak Arabian and differed from the others only with his exterior. And trees just like people: they only meet on...

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Sycamore The Crimea Inhabitant

Sycamore The Crimea Inhabitant

Posted By on Nov 28, 2014

Unlike its neighbor Lebanon Sycamore was a native of Crimea. And he was very proud of it. As well as his acquaintance with one of the people legends of the peninsula – world wide famous guitar virtuoso Enver Izmaylov. Of course Enver’s guitars weren’t made of sycamores (thanks God!). It’s just that Izmaylov very loved coming to the park especially to Sycamore, to pat on his trunk and his leaves, to tell him the news, to listen to the rustle of his news. And then Sycamore with proud translated Enver’s stories to the plants around and enjoyed with attention of trees, bushes and even grass between his roots. He felt himself a real king of the...

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Acacia The Romantic

Acacia The Romantic

Posted By on Nov 27, 2014

She has adored in dawns and sunsets, and nightingale’s songs at warm spring nights, and courtship the male to the female robins on her branches, and the sound of the sea not far away, and the storm with the hard rain (especially when some young couple were kissing standing beside her and didn’t noticing thunder and flashes of lightning). If she was a human she would love watching movies, that’s for sure. But she wasn’t unhappy being a tree. Especially in spring time when she wore her favorite yellow dress and all around admiringly looked at her and whispered...

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