Posts Tagged "пейзажная фотография"

The eluding Golden Autumn

The eluding Golden Autumn

Posted By on Oct 16, 2019

Yesterday, I was sitting at home doing my regular commercial order. At some moment, I look out the window and found the wonderful weather outside: warm and sunny day. I’ve been waiting for such conditions half autumn! In Saint-Petersburg, we had only dull grey skies and rains, rains, more rains so far. And I already thought that the conditions I want will never happen this Golden Autumn. That’s why I immediately grabbed my camera and tripod, jumped into my car, and drove to the nearest park. You know, the main thing that I chase when trip somewhere to photograph isn’t the masterpiece which will amaze everyone. The point is to see the beauty, to take a break in this never-ending running, to feel me alive. Nature is something that never let me down in these intentions. And feelings are overwhelming me while I’m there. They’re just tearing out of me. That’s the reason why I take photographs – I just need to share what I saw. P.S.: Follow me on Instagram –...

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During the mentioned bus trip almost the whole country around, we saw several places where I dream to come again. If you’ve never been to Montenegro, you should undoubtedly visit any place in the Tara river canyon… …including but not only the Durdevica bridge, Biogradska Gora and Durmitor national parks, and, of course, the Kotor sea bay. What personally I liked the most? I think the Crno Ezero (means the Black Lake), a glacier lake on the altitude of more than 1400 meters above the sea level. There’s a gorgeous silence. I don’t mean a complete absence of sounds of course. I talk about nature’s silence: the sounds of the wind, lake waves, and the seldom cry of birds. I’m not a real new dish lover, therefore, I don’t usually taste anything that never tried. But I strongly recommend you to take the dish called Jagnjetina ispod sača (means “the lamb from the big cauldron”). If you have ever heard about the meat that melts in the tongue, this is the exact case! You won’t regret! To conclude, a couple of words about the sea. It’s wonderful! Not as salty as the Mediterranean but very clean and warm. As a photographer, I also liked its color. Well, as said in the heading, that was a contradictory vacation from which I understood two things for the future: never buy a bus trip again and don’t try to combine the photo trip with the sea holidays. P.S.: Follow me on Instagram –...

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When in 2011, I and my wife came back home from our first abroad vacation in Croatia, we faced with our different friends’ multiple late advice: “You definitely should have to visit Montenegro!” In response, we both just kept silent because didn’t have anything to say. That was our very first abroad trip and we couldn’t compare it to anything! (Back to that Croatia vacation, I can say that we still recall it as one of the best adventures in our life so far). So, this time, in autumn 2019, we eventually decided to go to well-advertised Montenegro. And what have we liked there? To be honest, just three things: nature, sea (but not beaches!), and national cuisine. From all the places in the World we have visited by now, I would place Montenegro somewhere in between Croatia and Turkey. What do I mean? Croatia is one of the cleanest countries I’ve ever seen! I like Croatian’s attitude to their land, and especially its nature so very much! It’s very close to mine. Moreover, I think many nations should take an example from Croatians, and most of all it concerns Russians. Perhaps, that’s one of the sides which I didn’t like in Montenegro: they smoke almost everybody at any place including beaches, and cigarette buts are wallowing everywhere around. On one hand, the sea in Montenegro is clean and beautiful. On the other hand, in Kotor town, for instance, we couldn’t find a single working shower. A view from the mountain above Kotor sea bay is simply amazing but the entrance to the mountain is paid (only cash by the way!) and no single light on steps of the long stairs at all (that’s just wonderful during the night-time descending)! While the bus trip we purchased, we saw lots of amazingly beautiful places. But the stops they allowed us were too short. In the Tara river canyon, for example, one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen, we had five minutes to stop. I’m not kidding. Five minutes! I timed because we were told we have 15 minutes… Trifles but unpleasant. Well, I’m fed up talking about the cons! Let’s better about the good. To be continued… P.S.: Follow me on Instagram –...

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Doing what I love

Doing what I love

Posted By on Aug 18, 2019

A couple of days ago, I and my wife gathered to go to the spot that I noticed about two years ago. At that moment, I just drove by and couldn’t help but notice this absolutely amazing tree! Back then I firmly decided to visit it again with my camera. Finally, we did it. And I was photographing it with rapture while Polina (my wife) has captured me during this. By the way, as I wrote in my previous post, she’s a wonderfully creative person. (And I say like this only because she’s my spouse. Just kidding! She’s really immensely talented. You can check it by yourself just visiting her Instagram account: @polina_po_kudelkina.) And here’s what I got at that moment: And another photograph that I took then: I think it was a great photoshoot despite we shouldn’t go to another country or somewhere far in ours to get it. Therefore, I can repeat the words of one of my favorite photographers: you don’t always have to go far from home to catch something amazing. P.S.: Follow me on Instagram –...

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My first win in the photo contest!

My first win in the photo contest!

Posted By on Feb 17, 2019

A few days ago I accidentally found out that in November 2018 I won in the photo contest “How beautiful is this World – show!” by TV and Radio Company “MIR” (means “World” in Russian). Totally, there were announced six winners: three by the opinion of jury and three according to the votes of the Company’s web site visitors. I risk to seem immodest and vain, but to my mind, jury opinion in the contests is much more valued than votes of visitors. My experience of participation in lots of very different photo contests (Russian ones and other World’s as well) during more than 10 years tells exactly about it: in the overwhelming majority of cases, the winners by the opinion of site visitors do not reach by the level of their works even for fifty runners-up. Opposite, jury decision is almost always gives the win to really good works. So, my photo called “The Head of the Dragon” which I took in Crimea in Fall 2017 (it has already appeared here in my blog) won the 1st place by the jury opinion! I won’t hide that I’m very happy with this fact! Even though the organizers didn’t emphasis the difference between places. I guess you got a question: why I knew it accidentally? The point is that the results were published on the “MIR” Company’s web site and their group in Russian social media “Odnoklassniki” (means “classmates” in Russian). Both of these sites are not the places I visit often. To put it mildly. 🙂 Simply, about 10 days ago I suddenly logged in to my account in “Odnoklassniki” and found there a whole bunch of messages from the mentioned group’s admin. He congratulated me with this win and asked for my postal address to send the prize. To my joy, although I replied too late according to the contest’s rules, organizers still decided to send me the prize and I’m very grateful for that. So, I’m waiting. 🙂 The moral of this fable: never give up! Right at that moment when you finally drown in despondency and stop any struggle – right at that moment you need to show a little more patience and endurance, and a holiday will come to your street!...

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