Posts Tagged "denis churin photographer"

The end of the year is a time to take stock. So I decided not to stay away. Hence, I have picked my best nine photographs of those I posted on Instagram this year. Note: 1) these photos are the best according to my own opinion; 2) not all of them are new, some were taken even a few years ago but they all were posted exactly during 2019. Now then, the results of the year. First of all, in commercial photography (art ones will be in a couple of days). P.S.: Follow me on Instagram –...

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An interview with me

An interview with me

Posted By on Nov 20, 2019

On the Internet, there’s a crowd-sourcing platform called CityCelebrity which helps artists, designers, photographers, and other creative persons. A couple of days ago, a small interview with me was published on their Instagram. Here it is: 1) What are you striving for as an author? I strive people who’re watching my photographs to feel the same as I did while shooting: sincere admiring of what has been placed into the frame be it beautifully lit gorgeous building or, more often, amazing beauty of nature. I just want to share my emotions. Also, I think that if a person can estimate and understand the beauty in the photograph, he’ll never become a reason for something irreparable in real life. 2) What inspires you? Most of all, nature. And the originality of a moment. The same place can change beyond recognition depending on times of day or season, weather, and, most of all, the light. But nature is great in any form and, just like music, makes you forget about problems, move them away just for a while. Also, a beautiful architecture inspires me as well. The city is a landscape of the human living space. 3) What is the most difficult thing at work for you? To overcome laziness and despondency. The first, for example, means to force myself to dress on and go for shooting in bad weather through traffic jams or in overcrowded transport knowing that this trip can easily turn out useless if I won’t manage to take a single decent image. The second is to deal with indifference or overly restrained reaction of viewers as a response to my photo post. The photograph which I took after thorough planning, recognition of the location, calculating the perfect time, choosing the right set of equipment, long hiking to the spot, patiently shooting, and then, spending hours for selection and processing the images. In other words, the photograph which I literally lived through. 4) Which question would you like to ask our next guest? How exactly do you understand the famous words “an artist should stay hungry” and would you agree with it? P.S.: Follow me on Instagram –...

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Scale models photoshoot

Scale models photoshoot

Posted By on Nov 12, 2019

Recently, I finished the processing of several photographs which I took for my friend and amazing modeler Dmitry Skurkis. He has two ready models: one is for gift and another for his own collection. They’re respectively Mercedes-Benz type 320 car… … and German-Czech tank Pz.38T. To my mind, these models are awesome! Separately worth noting that this was far not the first time I photographed Dmitry’s models but the first one when I used my new product photography technique. Especially nice that Dmitry can see the difference and appreciated my work. P.S.: Follow me on Instagram –...

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Alcohol beverage photo shooting

Alcohol beverage photo shooting

Posted By on Oct 29, 2019

Some time ago, I and my wife bought a bottle of our favorite alcohol beverage, a port wine. This time, it was Cockburn’s Fine Ruby. Wonderful beverage! Of course, if you know how to drink it correctly. (I mean, not to drink it warm and shot by shot. The opposite, as it should be drunk: with several ice cubes, doing a little sip, relaxing and getting enjoy.) Plus, I liked its bottle a lot. Already after we finished, I decided to photograph it. Yes, I should have been thought about how to shoot the empty bottle beautifully. And I thought about it several times. Finally, I was ready. Actually, I didn’t want to take an ordinary commercial shot. I wanted to show this bottle in a slight art manner. Honestly, I’m satisfied with the result although I didn’t have the majority of the appropriate equipment. For instance, I had to make a strip diffuser of my usual square softbox and it looked like this: Nevertheless, again, I like the result! P.S.: Follow me on Instagram –...

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The eluding Golden Autumn

The eluding Golden Autumn

Posted By on Oct 16, 2019

Yesterday, I was sitting at home doing my regular commercial order. At some moment, I look out the window and found the wonderful weather outside: warm and sunny day. I’ve been waiting for such conditions half autumn! In Saint-Petersburg, we had only dull grey skies and rains, rains, more rains so far. And I already thought that the conditions I want will never happen this Golden Autumn. That’s why I immediately grabbed my camera and tripod, jumped into my car, and drove to the nearest park. You know, the main thing that I chase when trip somewhere to photograph isn’t the masterpiece which will amaze everyone. The point is to see the beauty, to take a break in this never-ending running, to feel me alive. Nature is something that never let me down in these intentions. And feelings are overwhelming me while I’m there. They’re just tearing out of me. That’s the reason why I take photographs – I just need to share what I saw. P.S.: Follow me on Instagram –...

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