The eluding Golden Autumn

Posted By on Oct 16, 2019

Yesterday, I was sitting at home doing my regular commercial order. At some moment, I look out the window and found the wonderful weather outside: warm and sunny day. I’ve been waiting for such conditions half autumn! In Saint-Petersburg, we had only dull grey skies and rains, rains, more rains so far. And I already thought that the conditions I want will never happen this Golden Autumn. That’s why I immediately grabbed my camera and tripod, jumped into my car, and drove to the nearest park.

Denis Churin photographer. Фотограф Денис Чурин

You know, the main thing that I chase when trip somewhere to photograph isn’t the masterpiece which will amaze everyone. The point is to see the beauty, to take a break in this never-ending running, to feel me alive. Nature is something that never let me down in these intentions. And feelings are overwhelming me while I’m there. They’re just tearing out of me. That’s the reason why I take photographs – I just need to share what I saw.

Denis Churin photographer. Фотограф Денис Чурин

P.S.: Follow me on Instagram – @denis_wordman